Glen Weimer (US)

Polarity Therapy Professional
(508) 228-7562
Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 United States

About Glen

Holistic Bodywork is a synthesis of polarity therapy and subtle osteopathic (manual therapy) techniques including craniosacral therapy, structural mobilization, muscle-energy and positional release techniques. Through skilled hands-on assessment and manual manipulation I assist your body to self-correct from the inside. By working with the total person we can get to the underlying cause of problems which are distorting the shape and inhibiting free movement of the tissues. My practice addresses a full range of issues such as: physical injuries, muscle pain, structural distortions, physiological challenges, emotional overwhelm, and overall stress reduction. Clients report feeling profoundly relaxed with substantial relief from their areas of discomfort. Through a series of sessions clients can gain greater insight into their life process and skills for maintaining optimal health for themselves.